What is Content Upload?

Content Upload allows you to easily bulk upload hundreds of social media updates in just a few clicks. Here's how it works:

  • Download the sample CSV file and add your updates to it
  • Save the CSV file and then upload it by clicking on the "+Upload Content CSV" button

You'll notice in the CSV file there are four columns:

  • Column A (Group) - this required field is the name of the group that the social media update will be added to
  • Column B (Social Update) - enter the text of your social media update here
  • Column C (URL) - an optional field to enter the URL you want to have appended to the status update
  • Column D (Image URL) - an optional field that allows you to enter the direct URL to an image you want to attach to an update

A pro tip is that you can actually create multiple groups in your CSV file. To do this, simply use a different name for another group in Column A. Feel free to add as many groups as you want, just be sure to have the right group name next to the correct update you want in that group. Then when you upload the CSV file, Bulkly will create all the groups and the content for you.

If you'd rather add status updates online, click the "+Add Content Online" button and fill out the options. When you are ready, click the "Save" button and Bulkly will create a new group for you where you can then add additional content online.